WHAT does Kimvalrie’s art feature?

Many senior artists have praised that Kim is particularly talented in the use of colors, bold imagination, and highly skilled at portraying facial expressions that both evoke emotions and invoke audiences to meditate on meaningful issues in life.

One feature in Kim’s artworks is the use of mixed media where color foil tape and color foil paper is particularly featured, and there are philosophical meanings behind such presentations.

Foil color tape/paper generates flowing changing colors as a viewer moves in the space to view the artworks from different angles. It echoes the Buddhist and Daoist (or spelled as Taoist) long-held view that “change is norm” – most things in life are transient, just like the colors you see at this moment change into some other colors the next moment.

It also reminds the audience that truth can be multi-faceted: all we can see is just a part of it. Another feature of Kim’s art is that she frequently uses simple media to create high quality fine art. Such media include regular school pencils, color pencils, watercolor, color foil paper and glitter glue. Kim highly values these types of materials.