WHO is Kimvalrie (包銀)?

Kimvalrie is a Taiwan-born American art enthusiast and self-taught artist, who decided to pack up her legal practice in late 2021 for a healthier lifestyle and turned to art creation in early 2022.

Highly interested in history and anthropology, Kim’s artworks and poems internalize Western and Asian cultural concepts and explore shared human nature.

One can see Kimvalrie as a contemporary Expressionist that embodies a hue of surrealism and fauvism and practices a heavily dialectic and empathetic style of philosophical thinking.

A good portion of Kimvalrie’s artworks is under a portrait series titled “Kimvalrie (金包銀): …,” where Kim (short for Kimvalrie) serves as her own model, to express a human’s feelings and emotions when living in treacherous surroundings and cautiously seeking justice and truth.

In late 2023, Kim started to create surrealistic landscape paintings. Kim sometimes also writes modern, bilingual poems that are alongside her artworks.

Kimvalrie’s works often inform philosophical transcendence; occasionally, some of them also demonstrate Kim’s whimsical humor – another approach to life.

Kim and her husband, Dan Neal (who is from Oregon, U.S.A.), met in Taipei, Taiwan, in 1998. They moved to New York in 2008.